Debt Consolidation Software
PDS Debt Consolidation Software is comprehensive, reliable and
user-friendly. It meets demands any debt management agency. It effectively automates
all operations and makes your daily debt consolidation routine
disappear. All that it requires from a user is attention and consideration, not
hardcore IT stuff. With PDS Debt Consolidation Software your employees
will be on track and on time with their debt management duties: communication with
leads and clients, document handling, account processing, running reports, and much
Accounting module is designed to resemble the interface of Quick Books which is
familiar to any accountant. Each type of transaction can be highlighted in separate
color to help visually distinguish them. Clients can pay with ACH, money order,
check, cash and check by phone. You can setup every counselor to be able to accept
phone payments. Check by phone or additional ACH fee can be applied if needed. You
can automatically send e-mail/letter/fax reminders to your clients who missed their
You have an option to use Vanco Services, an ACH provider widely used in the debt
management industry, for your electronic withdrawals and disbursement. Additionally,
PDS Debt Consolidation Software can be setup for ACH through any
other ACH processor or even your local bank. Software can generate custom formatted
ACH files according to your bank or ACH processor requirements. These can be either
comma separated files (CSV) or files in
NACHA (The Electronic Payments Association) format.